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the most evil man in the world


Our shaky Planet Earth is literally overly populated with evil. Men, women, religious, Democlappers, Republiconners, Ted Cruz, Pammy ‘piggy’ Geller, and MOST of these cretins are war criminals to boot.

Then there’s the bankers and corporate swine that should by all rights, be facing the imminent cutting edge of a guillotine. In public.

But our world stands around slack jawed and sort of drooling and does absolutely nothing. Besides running roughshod over African and other third world nobodies, what does the International Criminal Court @ the Hague really do? I’m of the opinion that the ICC is a mere rubber stamp for the UN’s SecCouncil.

Blitzkrieg Obama figures he is above law. Any law. Assassinates with impunity. I abhor that stupid notion. The notion of impunity. The Bushco minions exercised that impunity with relish. As did the Blairco boys. Australians are in the old war criminal boat and then there are the Israelis. Oh yeah, the Israelis are an ‘extra special chosenite’ bunch if ever there was. Which sadly, there is and they are. Extra special chosenite.

It’s really hard to put a specific date and time on exactly when all this grinding impunity began it’s ugly run on our Planet. Dates back to the Inquisition? Manifest Destiny?

Probably doesn’t really matter now. The hows and the whens. Our world is witness to a run of injustice that is shocking in it’s amorality. Wars of naked aggression. Illegal rendition. Illegal detentions. Guantanamo, Bagram, Abu Ghraib, Poland, Romania, and those places are a mere tip of one horrendous iceberg of terror. And how about the torture. Oh yes, Amerika does it and Britain does it and the chosenites practice it with a near perfection. Well, if such a horror could be perfected. Hmmm, turns out it can and the chosenites have.

We’ll need to toss in the goofy notion of ‘humanitarian intervention’. What rubbish.

There aren’t too many folk paying attention to any of it. Distraction becomes an exercise in banality. Celebrity crap-oh-rama makes big news headlines and the horrors of political criminality goes unreported.

Justin Beeper pitches fit in London…details at 11. Somebody needs to bitch-slap that whiny punk and plant his ass in the corner for a time out.

Oh my oh my, I’ve waxed profane. Mea culpa and sorry…

I don’t know, I’m just had enough. The hypocrisy becomes tedious. The injustice becomes a world class outrage.

Oh yes and by the by, I have NO plans to shut up about this mess. I’ll paddle around the shallow end of the mostly anonymous dissidence pond and squawk rattle and stew. Very loudly.

I have NO plans to change up the format of the Visigoth. I’ll graphix up and mock the criminals without mercy. The freaks deserve no less. I mean, the judicial process seems incapable of dealing with war crimes and crimes against humanity. However, I’ll deal with it the best way I know how. Hmmm, I could suppose that my Sunday tirade is my own personal manifesto. Manifesto becomes manifest destiny. Ewww, is that some heady crap or what. I’ve already told old Blitzkrieg Obama what he’ll have to do to get me to dummy up. I’ve been watching the skies over my house paying particular attention to the sound of droning. I also told the Blitzkrieg to please don’t missile my dogs. My dogs haven’t done anything, they’re dogs for hell sakes. Good dogs too.

Anyway, enough about me. On to visigothery for a Sunday the 10th day of March 2013. The most evil man in the world. For today anyway -


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